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5 Ways To Know That You Need New Office Furniture

//5 Ways To Know That You Need New Office Furniture

5 Ways To Know That You Need New Office Furniture

At one point or another, we’ve all experienced the underwhelming aesthetic of bland office spaces. You know exactly what we mean: desks are chipped and worn. Cubicle panels are personally victimized by decades-old coffee stains that even Regina George herself couldn’t amount to. And don’t even get us started on the faded husks of what used to be office chairs. 

“You can’t sit with us,” has never felt more real.

All of this to be said, the environment in which we work plays a major role in the way we feel about our jobs. With employees slowly, but surely, coming back to the office after working remotely for a few years, business leaders are tasked with creating a stimulating work environment that empowers company culture and ultimately productivity. 

And just how are these decision makers supposed to keep employees excited about not only their jobs, but coming into work each day? Even the offices with “good bones” can stifle job performance when it’s cluttered with outdated, broken office furniture. 

If you’re reading this, it’s not too late. Pause Drake’s album and keep reading to get professional insight on how to know if it’s time to upgrade your workspace with some much needed new office furniture.

1. Your Furniture Looks Worn Or Outdated

This one isn’t exactly rocket science. If your furniture has obvious signs of wear (like worn veneer, torn fabric, and cracked wood) it may be time to explore new commercial furniture products. Ignoring this overly obvious sign can have lasting negative impacts on your employees. Old fabric can harbor nasty molds that are capable of getting people sick. Not to mention if the furniture is worn on the outside, it could be a sign that the fasteners holding it together are also starting to wear out. 

Did we mention worn furniture is also unattractive to employees and prospective talent? Recruiting has been difficult over the past year, and worn out cubicles, desks, and chairs do nothing for your recruiting team.

If you’re still unsure about how dated your furniture looks or feels, ask yourself the following:

  • Are identifying labels on and in the furniture dated as older than 10 years?
  • Is the fabric stained or torn?
  • Is the laminate or veneer worn?
  • Are the internal components of the furniture exposed?
  • Is the paint chipping and exposing the underlying metal?
  • Are handles loose or missing?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it may be time to contact us and update your office furniture.

2. Various Furniture Doesn’t Work As Well As It Used To

Should you risk letting people use old furniture that could potentially malfunction, it can be a liability nightmare. Don’t be the business that has to award an employee $340,000 due to an injury from a broken chair. If you have faulty furniture in your office and an employee or client is hurt because of the furniture, your company can be liable for hundreds of thousands in legal penalties. 

Stay ahead of potential liabilities with these clear signs of broken or malfunctioning furniture:

  • Chairs lose height through the day
  • Wobbly arms and bases on chairs
  • Desk drawers grind while opening
  • Drawers are getting stuck, and locks are not engaging.
  • Desks are wobbly or sagging in the middle
  • The feet are missing or blown out on desks
  • Electric is not working or is shorting out in cubicles
  • Cubicles are missing parts
  • Bookcases are missing shelves or shelf-hanging pegs

If any of the points above apply to your furniture, it may be time to buy new commercial grade furniture or update your office altogether.

3. Recruiting (And Retaining) Talent Is Harder Than Ever

No matter if your company is 50 years old or opened up in 2022, you need to have an environment that people envision themselves working in. Rows of beige cubicles and bulky, stained task chairs do not create a good first impression for prospective talent. 

Today, people are drawn not only to the business model and culture of a company but to the environment where they will be spending 40 hours a week. In the past, it was common to work in seas of high-walled cubicles; however, in today’s work environment, it is expected to have open offices with low-walled workspaces. Exploring modern cubicle systems opens up your office to encourage communication between employees and departments as a whole. When we feel connected to our fellow coworkers we are more likely to stay at our place of employment – making talent recruiting and retention a walk in the park.

4. Missed Productivity Benchmarks Or Failing To Match WFH Productivity

Maybe you aren’t actively recruiting but instead are attempting to retain and maximize the productivity of your existing employees. As the world switches away from siloed working to a more agile construct, so too should your office. No longer are high walls and compartmentalized workspaces the norm. Now, in order for ideas to flow and innovation to take root, workspaces need to be open and fluid. People should be able to converse freely, but also have spaces dedicated to focus work and private conversations.

No matter what industry your business is in, there is only benefit to gain by updating your office space to fit modern standards. There have been countless innovations in the past decade to increase the productivity and functionality in Corporate America. Your employees will benefit greatly from an investment in fresh office furniture, and as a result, so will your company!

5. The Office Lacks Ergonomic Functionality

One of the greatest advancements in office furniture over the past decade has been the care put into ensuring the furniture in the office is ergonomic. The furniture that your employees are using should not infringe on the body’s posture and natural positioning. 

The solution? Ergonomic office chairs

Furnishing your office with these kinds of chairs is a great step in the right direction, but as always more can be done to set your team up for success. Additionally, the overall workstations that people use must take ergonomics into account.

It’s crucial to give people plenty of legroom on desks and tables so they can sit as close to their desktops as possible and avoid hunching. One major development when it comes to ergonomic office furniture is adjustable desks. Fluctuating between standing and sitting promotes proper posture and overall positive health. 

There is a lot of thought put into lumbar (lower back) support when it comes to chairs, but it’s also crucial to consider thoracic (upper back) and neck support. Make sure all three categories (lumbar, thoracic, and neck) are supported when ordering a chair for someone who will be spending most of their time sitting down.

Give Your Employees A Workspace They Deserve With New, Tested Office Furniture

“Out with the old, and in with the new” applies here. If you haven’t bought new furniture for your reception area, offices, or community spaces in the last 10 years – this is your sign. Capital Choice Office Furniture has helped thousands of local, Columbus businesses find the right furniture based on their unique operational needs and goals. Talk to us today about the look and feel you want your office to have to kickstart the process!