
Homeland Credit Union

Open Bank Lobby

Project Description

Founded in 1932, Homeland Credit Union is a community chartered financial, cooperative owned and organized by its membership. Anyone living, working, attending school, or worshiping in Ross, Pickaway, Fayette, Highland, Pike, Jackson, Vinton, Hocking, or Fairfield Counties are eligible to join.


Homeland CU reached out to Capital Choice at the beginning of their renovation process to help with the interior design of their new main offices. By using multiple lines of furniture, Capital Choice was able to create a unique furniture composition that fit Homeland’s brand, budget, and timeline. Through multiple phases, Homeland worked with Capital Choice to transform their space and improve the lives of their employees with ergonomic, adjustable-height furniture and custom workspaces for their unique job-related needs. Each role is unique and Captial Choice worked with Homeland to ensure that their employees were well taken care of.

Interested in having your office look like one of these? Reach out to us today for a free consultation.