Are you looking to reduce worker’s comp and health care costs for your business? What about improving your company’s productivity and quality of work? If you answer yes to those questions (and I’ll assume that you have) then improving your company’s ergonomic strategies should be one of your biggest ‘to-dos’ over the next 6 months. Essentially, ergonomics are the study of what you can do to help your workers stay healthy and perform better. Besides keeping your employees healthy, office ergonomics comes with plenty of other benefits for the office.

Benefits of Workplace Ergonomics

Reduced Costs – By investing in office ergonomics, you reduce ergonomic risk factors like musculoskeletal disorders or MSDs, for short. MSDs typically occur due to movement repetition or poor posture. If you provide proper ergonomics in the office, these risk factors drastically decrease. About 1/3 of workers compensation are paid to cases of MSD. Reduce these costs. Invest in ergonomic office chairs.

Boosts Productivity – Office ergonomics also boosts productivity! Designing a workspace that promotes good posture, less repetitive motions, easier heights and reaches, and less exertion enables a more efficient work process. More efficiency = more productivity. More productivity = higher revenue.

Work Quality – Poor office ergonomics leads to tired, irritated workers that cannot do their best work. They could miss an important detail or forget an important call to a client. The best way to keep your employees in top form is to invest in office ergonomics and keep everyone in top working form.

Improvement in Employee Engagement – Office ergonomics will reduce turnover, lessen absenteeism, boost morale, and increase employee involvement. Employees will also appreciate that the company they work for is concerned with their wellbeing.

Safety Culture – Investing in ergonomics shows your employees that are you committed to their health and safety. By making health and safety a core value of your company, you will create a better culture in your office. Your employeess are your most valuable asset. Keeping them safe and healthy is good business and it’s simply the right thing to do.

Choosing your Ergonomic Office Chair

Here are a few basic features any reliable ergonomic office chair should have:

Height Adjustment – Having an office chair with adjustable height is critical and a pneumatic adjustment lever is the easier way to adjust chair height. The optimal chair height for most people is somewhere between 16 and 21 inches.

Width and Depth – Chairs should be approx. 20 inches wide and have a depth that allows employees sit with their backs against the chair AND a space of 2-4 inches between the front of the chair seat and his/her knees.

Lumbar – Lumbar or lower back support is one of the most major feature in ergonomic office chairs. The lower back needs to be supported in order to reduce back pain. Having a lumbar adjustment is my personal ‘must have’.

Armrests – The armrests need to be adjustable so that employees can adjust them to fit their height. Arms should be level with the top of the desk and office chair arms keep them in that position.

Backrest – The backrest needs to be adjustable in both height and angle. It also needs to help keep the spine in a proper position to prevent back problems.

If you are looking to purchase ergonomic office chairs in Columbus, Ohio, stop by our 45,000 sq. foot showroom! We have over 30 unique ergonomic office chairs on display for you to try out before you buy. Give us a call at 614-332-1828 to schedule your appointment today.